T. Small

Thank you for caring so much and God bless you and your hearts for caring as much as you do. You are a blessing to all animals. Thank you.


You are both amazing people. You work so hard to save and fulfill the lives of our four-legged friends. Congratulations on your dreams coming true! Birch Haven is a wonderful idea, and sure to be a success.Your website is very professional and I LOVE the pictures. It is obvious that you have worked very hard to make this happen.I can’t wait for the day when we can finally get our rescue dog from you!

Ohio, USA

You are doing such a wonderful job! I wish there were more people our there like you. Keep up the awesome job.


I went to your site today, which by the way is awesome!!!!!

Wendy Alleshouse

I am so honored to say that I am aquainted with Gwen Boers, her family, and her wonderful rescue facility. She goes above and beyond what is necessary. She has so much to give, and it’s such a shame that we don’t have more people like her in this world devoted to the care and well being of our four legged freinds.

Sean Boers, Oxford Station, Ontario

I’m so proud to have my wife making such a contribution to the rescue and rehabilitation of animals. So many dogs have been placed with loving families, making the lives of both all the richer.