BHRR’s Oslo, the Cane Corso puppy!

He has been settling in beautifully with his awesome temp foster home. 

He has not had any seizures since his arrival and we have had him into the Vet to obtain some flea/tick/heartworm meds along with de-worming. We also picked up more Gabapentin for him.

He weighed 36 kgs(79.2 pounds).

Being so straight legged in the hind end; he lacks rear angulation and a quick neuro test; determined that he is weaker in the one back leg over the other.

He is getting plenty of appropriate level of exercise as we work to build up his muscle mass and tone to make him stronger.

As he adjusts to the higher dosing of the phenobarbital; he is also going through some understandable ataxia. In the next week; he will be back for a repeat blood test to check his levels to help determine if this adjusted dosing remains best for him.

As a growing puppy (7 months of age); he will need dosing adjustments.

We are also closely monitoring his eyes as they are sometimes red and a bit runny so when he goes in for his recheck blood test, we are going to have his eyes checked. His left eye does have more prominent haws. Yet, If he needs to go in earlier for them; we will make it happen!

He has been making safe bubble COVID-19 human plus doggie friends and he is in excellent hands with his foster family and we continue to ensure that he lacks for nothing. 

Thank you to his wonderful foster family for everything!