I have BHRR’s Ava Marie coming with me to LAH before my work shift at KAH on Wednesday June 2nd. I wish to have Dr. Liston take a look at her leg and we can remove her staples at that time. The incision looks WONDERFUL with only some minor ‘reaction’ to the staples that you will be able to see her newly posted photos! I have also added a new photo to her slideshow #26! I took her pain patch off last Thursday and she remains on the Deramaxx 100 mg. I did call Dr. Liston today to discuss her sudden onset of some edema and that when she now walks, her leg is straight yet her knee is facing more right. This could be from the edema yet I wanted to discuss with her Vet. One would have expected to have seen edema within the first few days post-op yet that was not the case. She is not running a fever and is eating, drinking, urinating and having normal BM’s. I am not overly concerned at this time and so we shall wait to see what her Vet has to say on Wednesday. She is doing well and has become quite the ‘escape’ artist from the still set up ‘triage’ area! LOL She decided quite a few nights ago that she wanted to sleep back in the master bedroom and the hard part is ensuring that she does not lay on the hardwood floors(it is cooler in this heat) as she just cannot get up and could wreck that repaired knee. Sean was able to capture some great pictures of her leg and you can see how swollen both knees are. 😥 We have just added another method for people to donate who do not have PayPal – ChipIn(though you can also donate via PayPal with ChipIn too) and we are hoping that people might consider stepping up to help us raise the remaining funds for her Ava’s Action Assistance Fundraiser for her second surgery – her left ACL repair – tentative date July 2010. In one of the photos, Sean managed to get Ava Marie as she was stretching.

BHRR’s Ava Marie – May 30th, 2010 – 9 days post-op