Note: I am going through 340g – one small container – of powdered Esbilac every 6 feedings. That means two small containers a day right now for they feed every 2 hours and as they get stronger and bigger, that shall greatly increase. 

They will be on Esbilac as a milk replacer and then in their mush & then kibble for up to 8 weeks of age.

**’NOTICE: For those seeking to drop-off items, unless Gwennie has put you in direct contact with exact details of where items can become be dropped off to, no other place/s are approved. Unbeknownst until just now is that we have had someone taken advantage of and now much needed items & $225 cash has been stolen by another.  

Please email Gwen directly at OR if you have anything to donate.**

We have 13 babies born and with Mama rejecting them, all are tube fed. 5 will be ready to go to bottle soon.

URGENT NEED FOR DONATIONS: BHRR’s Mama Gem & The Baker’s Dozen Pups

First and most important, we really want to take a moment to thank those that have reached out to us after learning that the puppymill Mama Gem gave birth to 13 puppies.  Angels! Just so many wonderful people in the community! I truly do have tears in my eyes for the love that is pouring out our way in messages of well wishes etc.

Please know that each and every offer/message has been appreciated and touches our hearts more deeply than you shall ever know.

I do want to explain why we cannot have strange hands coming in – as kind as I know they would be – and handling these really small babies – wee pup #6 BB girl was born at only 9.7 ounces and her litter-mates not a heck of a lot bigger. Average Dane puppies should be a birth weight of 1-1.5 pounds. That we had all 13 born live is a miracle unto itself considering the conditions Mama came from prior to rescue. Big thanks must again be shouted out to my 17 year old son Mason who stood solid by my side from mere moments after I whelped the first pup – a gorgeous BBBBB girl – and if it were not for him helping to tag team with me – we know that at least 6 babies may well not have survived much past birth. We had puppies coming as fast as every 6 minutes at one point and three puppies in a row were not good upon birth and need much stimulation.

Thank you Mason! We have 13 babies still alive and while none are even remotely out of the woods, all 13 are still here and we are working so hard to ensure their thrival.

We just cannot have these babies exposed to germs and the stress of outside hands plus smells. They need stability and quiet/calm and to be handled by so very few people right now to give them the best chances of survival. They are extremely vulnerable and fragile right now and I hope that people can understand that we all should want what is in their best interest. 

The Boerskins are not new to Danes or whelping rescue puppies, dealing with round the clock feedings – tube feedings at that and while we do not have a crystal ball to say how many or if all of these puppies will surivive, we have almost 22 years of experience through BHRR with rescue litters and in particular litters born to Mama’s that have had no prenatal care. We want to ask to please understand and let us do what we are experienced/knowledgeable at and know that as these babies age and get stronger plus healthier, we are going to need your kind, caring plus loving hands SO much as we did in April of 2016 and December of 2015 for example for other rescue litters we have assisted. ?

Prior to the litter being born, I had already lined up the fabu Melissa Roy for their professional photo’s development journey’s like we did with Mama Marbles’ litter. We shall need many hands to make that magic happen at 4, 6 & 8 weeks etc.

We will need an army of kind souls to help me get them to their Vet visits starting at 2 weeks of age! That is always an adventure unto itself! 

We will need our community to help us socialise and expose them to the fabu wonders of the world when it is time.

We shall need so much and we are already incredibly grateful knowing that there are a lot of beautiful folks wanting to step up at a moment’s notice!! We promise to update as we can, when we can on their progress. 

I am sharing this picture of the BHRR’s Bakers’s Dozen taken last night. A bit blurry as they were moving!

Here is a list of our current urgent needs and we remain forever indebted to anyone that may consider our cause. I will update on the litter and have pictures, birth weights etc. later today. Every puppy shall have their own individual blog page too. NONE of them are available for adoption at this time and will not be for a long time.

May we also ask for people not to just drop by with donations. That is equally stressful on puppymill Mama Gem and if we are feeding at that time, greatly disrupts the stability we are trying to keep here. We have a super person in Ottawa – Brenda(lives near Bayshore) that generously offered up her home for donation drop-off and if people email us at, additional arrangements can be made. ?

Mama Gem does has a file set-up at both Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 and also at Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 for anyone that may wish to donate direct to the Vet Clinics for the care of her and her babies. is for email transfers AND is for PayPal Donations

1) Flannel FITTED Sheets – Queen or Twin
2) Pet Valu Gift Cards 
3) Pee Pads
4) POWDERED Esbilac – 794 g is the better value
5) Large to XL Stuffies
6) Pinesol
7) 7 cases of PVD Essential Care Puppy canned food – Vet Food
8) 9 bags of 8 kg PVD Essential Care Puppy Kibble – Vet Food 
9) Dane sized durable/appropriate puppy play toys 
10) **Very Urgent: 4 x New Born Nursing Kits For Milk Replacers – PetSmart – picture in post**



Please know I am not ignoring calls, emails, messages etc.  I have been up since 5 AM Tuesday and after whelping puppies throughout the night/early AM then had to go to work for 8 hours, pick up some wonderful donations for the pups afterwards and have since been back home with family and puppies etc. I also spayed BHRR’s Daffodil! 

I am hoping that tonight I can get some rest between feedings and will post more re: our needs and on the pups plus Mama Gem tomorrow. 

We will be having a flash auction to help raise urgent funds for their care. 13 Giant Breed puppies to properly vet which includes de-worming from 2 weeks onward, their vaccines plus boosters, spays/neuters, fecals, food, etc…shall cost thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars. We do not cut corners at BHRR. Each puppy plus Mama Gem will receive everything they need plus more. 

I will say that right now all 13 puppies are hanging strong as can be.  Wee brindle baby girl born at only 9.7 ounces too.  Mason and I had spent a lot of time on her when she was first born and almost as much time on 5 other of the 13 babies to help them survive plus thrive. 

I leave all with a picture of the BHRR’s Baker’s Dozen taken a couple of hours ago. 

A bit blurry as they move about!

Update: another puppy born 9:29 AM 

That makes 6 girls and 7 boys and 13 puppies so far.

This is a Baker’s Dozen and they are going to need their village as are we to help ensure their survival. 

Mason and I had to spend some working on 6 of the puppies born and the smallest is only 276 g and so tiny….all the puppies are small. 

I am worried about all surviving….. 

UPDATE: we are now at 10 puppies and this photo is of when we had 8. 
FINAL PUPPY COUNT: 13! & all born alive!

Individual pictures and weights to come later.

Mama is doing well….Mama Gwennie also and to think I have to be up in a few hours to go to work! This was not the night I wanted them to be born! 

Do not think Mama Gem is done and the smallest is only 276 g a wee female

Puppy #7 Black Male Born 12:45 AM

Weight: 360 g

BHRR’s Gem Update:

The stunning BBBBB once known a D211 – puppymill Dane #211 and we have called BHRR’s Gem is getting closer and closer to giving birth.

Yup…she was just a number to track how much money was made off the babies they forced her to pump out. 

She is barely picking at her food, nesting and Annette – one of the toys you sent our way, a Stuffie Penquin has become her ‘baby’.

She is finding it harder to get comfortable, doing some pacing, a little panting from time to time and has decided that instead of the 8 x 5 x 4 custom whelping box Sean & Mason made for her comfort( BHRR’s Marbles was made 6 x 5 x 3), she wants the futon bed I have beside her whelping box and have been sleeping on to be by her side. I am trying to have some casual dialogue with her that this would not be my preference! 

BHRR’s Marbles had wanted to have her own rescue litter in April 2016 under my desk and she & I had a few conversations about that not being ideal!

BHRR’s Gem’s wounds have been healing wonderfully yet her spirit, soul and heart shall take much longer to heal. While she still does some flinching when my fingers trail gently across her mid-back when she walks by me – she will now want to be around me, not too close yet she does watch me – she no longer drops to the ground or cowers. I just go about my day and passively ignore her and she is getting used to me being around and the trust earned is slow yet rewarding….

She really feels comforted with the three night lights to help her feel a little more safe at night.

Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson still ‘watches’ over her and she does derive peace in having him around.

Per a couple posts made, we have been busy working quietly behind the scenes as we ready everything for the litter of babies she is expecting soon.

She is only the 15th dog for us to assist in 2017. She most likely shall be the last we can assist in 2017 along with her unborn babies for we have to remain about quality, not quantity. Unless, we have more approved adoptions, our doors shall remain closed for intake until 2018.

In going through the list of items we still need for her and her puppies, I am posting an update of what we still need in case someone may have what what we are looking for or may consider our cause: 

1) Flannel FITTED Sheets – Queen or Twin
2) Duvets/Comforters/Sleeping Bags
4) Pet Valu Gift Cards 
5) Pee Pads
6) POWDERED Esbilac – 794 g is the better value
7) Large to XL Stuffies
8) Pinesol
9) 7 cases of PVD Essential Care Puppy canned food – Vet Food
10) 9 bags of 8 kg PVD Essential Care Puppy Kibble – Vet Food 
11) Dane sized durable/appropriate puppy play toys

BHRR’s Gem has a file set up at both Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 as well as Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848.

Email Transfer: 

We will keep everyone updated as we can….

Thank so in advance to all for any consideration as always! 

This stunning BBBBB was once known a D211 – Dane #211. Yup…just a number to track how much money was made off the babies they forced her to pump out.  

She is safe now and while D211 was her identity to her horrific puppymillers, to us we have called her *BHRR’s Gem*. For she is one…precious and valuable.

Terrified, not even 100 pounds – and this is while heavily pregnant, covered in wounds/scars – you can even see some of them along her side, chest and neck in the one photo I will post in her thread, oozing infection, horrible overgrown nails plus has Giardia and is petrified of the dark.

She now has three night lights to help her feel a little more safe at night.

Yesterday, we were finally able to trim her nails back – her first nail trim in her life. Yesterday, we also managed to give her her very first ear cleaning.

Scared and ranging from catatonic to major flight mode, Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson has not left her side since I made the 20+ hour round trip to assist in this bust and then took her home with me as she needs us so badly right now….AND It took two days before she finally rested. He is her Guardian Dane and he is going to help her heal a lot.

She paces a lot less now than she did upon arrival and depending on the time of day, either wants to stay outside or refuses to go outside.

Per another post, we have been busy working quietly behind the scenes as we ready everything for the litter of babies she is expecting within 7-10 days. The object you see to the right is her custom whelping box that Sean’s & Mason made – 8 x 5 x 4. The one made for BHRR’s Marbles was 6 x 5 x 3 and BHRR’s Gem needs more room to feel comfortable.

We did an u/s the day after she arrived and I quickly saw ~5 babies and the Vet when they looked up, caught at least 3 before she became overwhelmed and we understandably stopped. We also attempted after giving her a break to get x-rays to gauge just how many babies she is expecting & to get a better idea of due date so we could best prepare yet in her fear, this was not possible. She lost control of her bowels, anal glands and urinated herself and I asked for the x-ray attempts to stop as nothing is worth seeing any dog that way. We know she is pregnant and will have to take things as they come. The x-rays that they managed to take were not useful and so be it. Her stress level needs to be lowered not further raised. I worry about her needing a c-section as she is so tiny yet her belly is so huge. Yet, one step at a time….I have been lining up my ducks in a row and several Hospitals, depending on time of day are aware that we may be calling upon them for their surgical assistance. We would also Spay her at the same time she had the c-section.

We did run a fecal and she is on treatment for Giardia and being proactively de-wormed. She is on antibiotics for her wounds.

She is only the 15th dog for us to assist in 2017. She most likely shall be the last we can assist in 2017 along with her unborn babies for we have to remain about quality, not quantity. Unless, we have more approved adoptions, our doors shall remain closed for intake until 2018.

In going through the list of items we still need for her and her puppies, I am posting here in case someone may have what what we are looking for or may consider our cause:

1) Flannel Fitted Sheets – Queen or Twin
2) Pillows
3) Blankets/Duvets/Comforters
4) Pet Valu Gift Cards
5) Pee Pads
6) Powdered Esbilac – 794 g is the better value
7) Large to XL Stuffies
8) Pinesol
9) 7 cases of PVD Essential Care Puppy canned food – Vet Food
10) 9 x 8 kg bags of PVD Essential Care Puppy Kibble – Vet Food 
11) XL Costco Dog Bed
12) Dane sized durable/appropriate puppy play toys 
13) Laundry Soap
14) Fabric Softener

BHRR’s Gem has a file set up at both Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 as well as Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848.

Email Transfer: 

We will keep everyone updated as we can….

Thank so in advance to all for any consideration as always! 

She is naturally camera shy so pictures are not easy to get….

UPDATE: we now have an 8 panel plastic playpen to arrive Thursday(2 panel extension) & the 6 panel play pen to arrive Friday!  Thank you again Brenda! 

We are still ISO: wire/metal xpens in height from 34″-44″. 

ISO: a 10-panel Super Yard Play Pen.

We have one that we bought 17 years ago and it is done. Sadly, it will not stand another pack of rescue Dane Babies! The BHRR Puppy Pile x 7 did it in!

We truly did not expect that 18 months after assisting Mama Marbles, we would be asked to assist so soon another cruelty/neglect case pregnant Dane. 

We are working hard behind the scenes to get everything in order for the puppymill Mama Dane and her soon to arrive Babies.

The cost for a 6 panel pen at Babies R Us is $139.99+ tax and so we are hoping someone may have one they no longer need and would consider our cause for a reasonable price.

Seeking a 10 panel one preferably yet 8 panels would be ok.

We are also seeking wire/metal xpens in height of anywhere between 34″ – 44″ in height once the puppies are big enough.

Please do email if you can help us out with either request above.

We are in the big countdown…puppies should be arriving within the next 7-10 days max. Mama Dane Gem is doing well…getting some weight on her and building up much needed muscle mass and tone to help her become as strong and healthy as possible for her sake and her unborn babies.

Her awful wounds are healing as she remains on antibiotics and today we were actually able to do her nails. The very first time they have been done in her life. She also let me clean her ears which is also the first time they have been done in her life.


ISO: Auction Items!

Our popular Annual one-of-a-kind unique ‘Dine With The BHRR Doggies’ is coming up in September!

We are in need of auction items for both our live & silent part of our evening. Gift Certificates, Gift Baskets etc., would be so appreciated!

We are also seeking draw prizes and items(40 of each) to place in our surprise loot bags.

Please do email if you may consider our cause to donate to. Please do not post here for we may miss your most generous offer. 

This is always a SOLD out night and one that we love hosting! BHRR has only five planned fundraisers each year and this is #4 for 2017.

All monies raised in this year’s event will go towards helping another deserving Dane in need of our highly specialised programs. I will post more about her shortly.

She is a puppymill Dane, riddled with so many wounds and scars. She is emotionally and physically beaten. Even after almost 22 years assisting in busts and helping these beautiful animals, I am still shaken to my core with how cruel and neglectful people can be.

Where once she was just a number to produce as many babies as possible to line the greedy pockets of others, to us we have called this lovely girl – BBBBB ‘Gem’. She has an identity now and she will learn she is important and valuable and not disposable trash.

In honour of BHRR’s Sambuca and my beloved Bronson, we will help the next one in need of us. She is only the 15th dog we will have been able to assist in 2017. We remain about quality not quantity with our efforts.

She is precious as is the special ‘cargo’ she is carrying. In just less than 2 years, we have now been asked three times to help a New Mama with her surviving pups(BHRR’s Eve) or a Mama-Soon-To-Be(BHRR’s Marbles) and now BHRR’s Gem. Breaks my heart as to how so many animals are used for profit instead of being altered and cherished as beloved family members…. 

Your donations enable us to continue in these rescue trenches, helping those that have no voice and cannot step up to protect themselves.

We hope that you may help us assist BHRR’s Gem by donating an item to our upcoming Fundraiser. We would truly be so grateful…..

This is how special Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson is….

The BBBBB that is with him was once known a D211 – Dane #211. Yup…just a number to track how much money was made off the babiesthey forced her to pump out. 

She is safe now and while D211 was her identity to her horrific puppymillers, to us we have called her *BHRR’s Gem*. For she is one…precious and valuable.

Terrified, not even 100 pounds, covered in wounds – you can even see some of them along her side, chest and neck, oozing infection, horrible overgrown nails plus riddled with parasites (we will post more on her story on our Facebook page shortly). We will share with everyone just how special this girl is and that Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson knew instantly how special she was….for he is super special himself!

Terrified and ranging from catatonic to major flight mode, Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson has not left her side since I made the 20 hour round trip toassist in this bust and then took her home with me as she needs us so badly right now….AND after two days, she finally rested. He is her GuardianDane and he is going to help her heal a lot…..

Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson wishes all a good night…..he is so fabu!