Lil Linus’s incision had healed wonderfully from his neuter UNTIL today…..he came in from outside and he was bleeding fairly profusely and it was running down his legs. I check the incision site twice a day and this AM(and the Vet that saw him tonight agreed; he is all but healed); it was looking lovely. The one thing that Lil Linus has had is a lot of is swelling thoughout his whole healing process that has now spread up into the sheath. Not to be overly graphic yet it looked like he had one enlarged testicle with very little bruising, just swelling. I brought him into work with me today and the Vet took a look at him and thought it was most strange, an almost completely healed incision and this dripping. It is like the swelling built up and burst through a little spot and while it was not infection; the poor boy has got to be uncomfortable. Lil Linus gets the HUGE amazing dog award for he sat when asked, lied down when asked and provided no resistance; just trust in lying on his side while the Vet examined and poked/prodded him. I was so proud of him!!!!! I keep saying how far he has come and this was just another testament to the wonderful boy he really is. The Vet felt that icing might be ok when I asked about hot compresses as I was wondering if it might not be better to encourage the drainage. The Vet felt that as it was not infection that was coming out; that icing might be more effective. I am not sure how well Lil Linus is going to take to the icing of his privates though!!! We discussed antibotics and I make a joke(that did not seem to be caught by those listening…LOL) about hey, do we try cephalexin for we all know how effective that has been on my dogs of late. The Vet took me seriously and said ‘well, this is not a skin infection; the problem lies deep down; so we would not use cephalexin.’ 😛 Needless to say, Lil Linus is on 2 tablets of Clavamox 375 mg every 12 hours for a week. We will see if that works. We are back using the Deramaxx for pain for him for the next 5 days too. The vet just thinks it is so odd to be almost completely healed on the outside and yet have this swelling etc. and draining coming from the inside. Lil Linus’s weight was 51.4 KGS(113.08 pounds) and he is not quite 7 months old yet. Linus LOVED the trip through Timmie’s and McDonalds on the way home and my windows are proof of all his slobbery excitement over the treaties given to him! LOL I have more pics to upload and hopefully, I can get that done soon……