FINALLY! BHRR's Atlas was comfortable enough for me to get a short VIDEO of him AND it was SOOOOOOOOO worth the fall on the ice to get it! cheekyI keep saying it over and over and it is so true, he just makes my heart THROB with love! 🙂 His first CWW hydrotherapy session is this Tuesday as the weather was so bad this past Tuesday and had to be rescheduled. I cannot wait! 🙂

BHRR's Atlas makes me laugh and smile and he is doing some zipping and zomming with that nice wagging tail….it is a great day! 🙂

I hug him every morning and night; along with the others here and whisper in their ears to TELL that they are not only worthy and deserving of the best in love BUT that it is their RIGHT to have all the super things life has to give. 🙂 it is part of my daily regime with the dogs and horses and given with treats and kisses too.

I could scream from the rooftops about his TAIL!! I am just beaming for him. 🙂 Just beaming….