He is ON his way!

To all involved, please drive safe and Maira see you tonight! 

Maira – an extra special shout out of thanks being sent to you for offering to do the extra legs so that he can be in the least amount of hands possible. 

We have been told that since he was dumped at the pound, he has air snapped – at a Vet while two staff were restraining him, hates his collar/neck touched and in general being manipulated.

This is VERY revealing plus important information re: his current level of high stress and also his past……

He has medical issues of allergies, skin infections and is on meds – antibiotics and pred.

Soon dear boy….soon…..I cannot wait to meet you! It has been a very long week….

AND thank you to all of the rescue angels that have made a donation to date…..

PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org OR via Email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

AND a gentle reminder to anyone that feels that as a GS he is not worthy of being helped and think that he should have just been destroyed as he is a ‘bad’ dog; that really is not a fair or kind statement.

As always, people are welcome to their own opinions yet our page is not the forum that will be used for anyone to promote breed fear or false information re: GS or any other breed for that matter.

His breed does not automatically make him a bad, evil or what one person said ‘a baby killer’ breed type of dog. That is such an awful, horrible comment to have seen someone make the other night. His breed should not automatically mean he should have been put to sleep.

Thank you also to those that continue to support our efforts and believe as strongly as we do that this 1 year old boy was deserving to have us offer to help him in his final moments of life for his time was up at the pound…..