Lindsay – Ottawa, ON, CDA

It is so nice to hear from you. You are truly deserving of the support and encouragement you receive for your good work. I am glad I could warm your day, as you did mine.

I will continue to support your work, and I have forwarded your site to a doggy-loving friend so she too could see the good work you are doing and donate what she can.

I would LOVE to come visit you and your animals. I have told her about your work and we'd both enjoy meeting you and the animals you care for. Thank you so much for the invitation!!!!

I also appreciate your encouragement. I would love to own a dog and share my life and love with a deserving lil pup. There isn't a day that goes by that I do not think about being a doggy-mum… especially as I see so many dogs walking about the city with their owners.

Thank you so much for your letter!
