BHRR's Torque is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! I dropped him off last night to his possible future adoptive home, who is also an approved BHRR Volunteer home. They are having a long weekend play visit / date with him. I will pick him up on Monday.

I felt from when this boy first arrived to BHRR, that he could be a great match fit for this home and when they came to visit us at our April BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House and, we discussed a possible future adoption, this is the boy that I said they should look closer at. If he turns out not to be meant for them, so be it. He will have had a wonderful few days in the hands of an approved BHRR Volunteer home, building upon the excellent foundation built at BHRR. We want our dogs to be as well rounded plus balanced as possible.

THANK you to this home for contacting us to have this play visit and, in considering to adopt from BHRR……again! 😉 We will update his blog as we can. Mr. Bubbles AKA Lord Cambridge is missing his buddy yet, I know that he would be very happy for BHRR's Torque if this was the home meant for him!