I have added new pictures to Barkley’s slideshow #16 – #20. I am adding two of those photos below. One of them is with Frost, a GD that we are taking care of for the next 7 months or so for a friend and they ADORE each other. Wide open crate and both can be found lying next to each other! It is such great news that Barkley is physically healed! YAY! AND as of today, he shall be placed up for adoption for we believe that his emotionally rehab can continue in his right matched forever loving home! We believe in full disclosure at BHRR and while a Doberman experienced home is preferred, it is secondary to finding that home that shall continue working with Barkley on his emotionally rehab including sharing that involves NILIF with an understanding yet firm and kind hand/approach. He is living in a large multi-dog home right now and is doing wonderfully and we wish to see him continue on this path of success! NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!!

BHRR’s Barkley with Frost(5 month GD Pup we are taking care of for a friend) – May 2nd & BHRR’s Barkley – May 6th, 2010