I dropped by the Vet Hospital on my way home and Sam’s bw is normal and he is HW- The vet stands by his assessment that Sam’s coat condition plus the look of his skin under the hair is due to a recent flea infestation. It is amazing the difference that Cletus has made to Sam. For the last two nights, the two of them have done nothing but play! Sam is learning how to play like a dog and Cletus is now showing him about toys and pull ropes etc. Right now, Sam is very interested yet he does not quite seem to know how to play with them. While Cletus is teaching Sam all the great things about being a dog, he is also teaching him not so good things, like that there might be wonderful things hiding in the garbage! 🙂 Up until August 2nd, Sam would not go to the bathroom outside, no matter how many times we took him out. Now, he is finally showing us that he is housebroken. Tonight, Sam will get his first bath with us!