I have much to update on BHRR`s Mr. Parker(a large Gwennie Novel) including pics from May 11th and May 21st yet those on our BHRR Facebook group have already been `privy`to them and as the hour is after 2:30 AM and I have worked a very long day as is between Rescue and Hospital and then Rescue again; `Mr. Parker`s blog will have to wait until I am home from the hospital tomorrow night. 😉 He is doing awesome though and on May 12th he was at the Vet and weighed 47.8 KGs(105.16 pounds) which is up 8.16 pounds from the 97 pounds he arrived at on May 4th, 2009. He had his first nail trim on May 14th and seemed almost `curious`with it all! LOL I have a height of 36.5“ on Mr. Parker and let me put that in perspective. My Ch. Dyce is 35.5“ and weighs almost 145-150 pounds and Dyce`s brother Soul is 36+“and weighs 150+ pounds and Mr. Parker is a wee bit taller than both of them and has similar bone just like they do; so to be at 97 pounds that is EMACIATED! Mr. Parker should be weighing close to 130+ right now for he is a lot younger than Dyce and Soul(they are 3+) and when Mr. Parker is more mature; he should be 140-145 pounds. I am also strongly suspecting that even at 15 months; that is being a bit overly `generous`for this BOY is ALLLLLLLLL puppy and then some. 😛 I have much to update on his Vet visit, bw, life here, how it went with Sean while I was in Arnprior etc. and that shall come very soon. I will not be microchipping him until our July 12th BHRR Microchip Fundraiser for I want to bring him as an ambassador to the Great Dane Breed plus for those attending to just meet him and see how `yummy`he really is! He is not going to be up for adoption for quite some time. While he is putting on weight; his feet need more work(though we are getting `lift`) and he still needs to be neutered(will get into more with his bw later). AND already, I have written a mini-novel….  😉