What we know to date on the Great Dane – Male, now neutered, body condition given 3/10, sweet/gentle tempered to all to date yet did bark/lunge at the Saint when loading up – could be stress – not overly worried at this time, mole on back biopsied – benign, skin scraped for possible mange(results inconclusive), alopecia areata, vaccinated on Advantage Multi and weight given as 50 KS(110 pounds) and age believe to be about 12-15 months.

We have been passed along the info. that he was once owned by a man and authorities needed to step in to assure the o/s as his body condition and state is so poor. He most likely would not have survived another winter.

BHRR's Veteran – November 7th, 2011 with ARC Hero Karla & November with ARC Hero Patty