Here are two photos from May 23rd of BHRR's Holden on Bleach's couch! I think he is settling in well! 😉 He is finally eating a more normal ration per feeding and I am feeding him three times a day at the moment. Cannot wait to get a new weight on him!!!

Other than a rare accident here and there, he has proven himself to be well housebroken and for a dog that had lived outside for 2 years; WOW! 🙂

One BHRR's Holden gets up to a more normal weight and has his boosters; it shall not be long before he is ready for adoption. This boy is AWESOME!!! He still does not understand the tape on Sir Maestro's ears LOL yet is more accepting of him. It is not Sir Maestro himself that makes BHRR's Holden not adore him, it is the tape on his ears!!!! Don't blame you Holden! We have finally figured that out.

He has a special little sound he makes when I come home from work and it is ADORABLE! 🙂

BHRR's Holden May 23rd, 2011