BHRR’s Connery saw Dr. Philibert today for his ortho consult. 

We will be now moving to a neurological consult and will have an appointment sent up with Dr. Jull.

I had sent four video’s to Dr. Philibert of BHRR’s Connery walking, trotting and almost running plus the pictures of the x-rays that we took at the time of his neuter in February.

Per Dr. Philibert today:

“He seems to have mild muscle atrophy on his left hind limb compared to the right. However I cannot find an explanation on orthopedic exam. Radiographs of the hips look normal. The stifles are also normal although I see mild small flattening of lateral femoral condyles but that flattening is actually more obvious in the right stifle. The possible cause of this, if not normal for him, would be Osteochodrosis. But since there is no swelling or effusion and palpation of his knees is normal, I doubt it is a significant source of pain or lameness. 

What worries me more is his wide stance on the hind legs, and poor placing of his hind feet. I recommend you have a consult with Dr Jull to see if he agrees that his problem may be more neurological, like Wobblers, and if it is, what work up would be needed.” 

We are determined to keep quality of life first and foremost as a priority for him and will keep everyone posted as we can.

This photo is of him batting at me to rub his chest over taking a picture! 

AND we now have 51 items in our latest flash auction to keep working on raising the much needed funds to pay for the mounting Vet Bills……

AND we will keep working to host flash auctions in our efforts to pay for the mounting Vet Bills.