Both BHRR’s Miller and BHRR’s Crème Brûlée were altered on Thursday December 17th.

We also did the UPC Urine by cysto collection on BHRR’s Miller as per my previous post, he tested positive for chronic Lymes Disease. Poor boy.

Both are recovering well. BHRR’s Miller managed to open up his neuter incision slightly and is now on antibiotics and BHRR’s Crème Brûlée has been bouncing back so well from her spay.

Per her surgeon, she has NEVER had a litter(the shelter thought she recently had had a litter prior to arriving in the shelter) and it was confirmed that she has had a heat, so it was a mature spay. So, she most likely had a false pregnancy or was finishing up the tail end of a heat. She is believed to be no more than 15 months of age.

She is looking fabu in the weight plus muscle department and she will be making her own special announcement in about 2 weeks time! 🙂