BHRR's Stafford's neuter report from Dr. Bruce at Alta Vista AH

November 19th, 2014

*We are sincerely hoping that this will resolve all of his urination issues(blood, frequent urination, straining to urinate etc.) for his UA results & C&S results do not support any further UTI. The diagnosis was enlarged prostate that neutering will resolve.
Should his issues persist, we will then proceed to an abdominal u/s to look for anatomical reasons or medical concerns such as Cancer.



BHRR's Stafford's airway evaluation/assessment report from Dr. Bruce at Alta Vista AH

November 19th, 2014

*We are waiting confirmation that no further procedures are necessary for him or, if he does require further surgical intervention.

His condition of hypoplastic trachea is a congenital one.
Many bulldogs live great quality filled lives without further surgical intervention if proper diet, proper weight, and extreme weather management is maintained.
We already were aware of the narrowing of the trachea as we had done x-rays on October 22nd, that were reviewed / interpreted by the specialist of Dr. Crews.
