
Dear Gwen,I cannot believe the seemingly endless nightmare that you are living with the loss of dear sweet Dragon, and then having to tell Kinsley. That must have been almost worse than losing Dragon.

Dragon had a special place in my heart, and I mourn the passing of this elegant and most handsome of boys along with you and your family.

You already knew earlier this year that Dragon was starting to fail as he aged, and I believe that the loss of Maggi coupled with the passing of KB/JB so soon thereafter was just too much for Dragon to bear. I do believe that dogs feel and grieve the loss of their friends too.

You did everything humanly possible to save him. Still, it must have been oh so hard to finally have to let Dragon go after losing Maggi and KB/JB.

It has been very hard to function this week knowing that you are suffering, and I am helpless to offer you any comfort or support except through words and prayer.

I am praying so hard for you to find the strength to continue to help heal your extended family as you deal with so many heavy blows to your heart and soul.

I am happy to learn that Kona seems to be rallying, and hope the other dogs will be on the road to recovery from their grief soon as well.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you and yours.

I continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Give all my love to everyone.
