I brought Ocean into work with me last Friday for a new weight – she was 40.4 KGS(88.88 pounds) and that confirms that she has not been putting on the weight as I would have like to have seen in the month that she has been with us. She really should have put on another 6 pounds and while that does not seem like much; she is still far thinner than I would like to see at this time. She is eating, drinking, playing and acting very normal. I did a Urine by Cysto and the results were normal. Her urine results were cocci = occ/40x and while there was a wee bit larger than normal amount of cellular ‘debris’ = 4+/40x; there was nothing of note to be alarmed about. I then ran some blood work on Ocean(WHAT a great trooper she was when we went to draw the blood) and other than a slightly high BUN level 9.2 mmmol/L (normal range is 2.14 – 8.93); everything was fine and the Vet was not worried about that. I am going to see what her latest fecal results say plus we might send out some urine for a culture yet the Vet did not really feel that it would be of major benefit. So, I remain at a bit of a loss on her extremely slow weight gain and after doing all proactive testing; I am just going to step back and monitor. As mentioned previously, it could just be her own metabolic rate and not be an major worry wart. She is presenting no signs that anything is wrong and I am going to relax…. 😛 She allowed Sean and I to do her nails without any issues and I have yet to microchip her for she is just so thin still. She is solid muscle of what she does have and was a HUGE hit at the hospital. She travels great in the vehicle but her leash manners continue to be very enthusiastic! LOL The rest of her obedience is just coming together so fast and I no longer crate her, except to feed her as she eats very slowly. She is a great cuddler and at night, she likes to climb on the bed just after I put the lights out and gives me a bit of a body hug and then gets off to lie down on one of the dog beds. In the whole time she has been with us, she has not had one accident in the house either. She is a FANTASTIC dog!!!! Sean keeps calling Ocean ‘his’ yet she really is ‘mine. LOL She was also given her rabies that night and got along with every dog, person and cat she met!

May God always bless you

Hi there; thought I would write a few lines to say thanks for all that you do for these animals. I am a mother of 3 Great Danes and could not imagine my life without them. Its people like you that we need more of, no animal should have to suffer! Once again, thank you.

Linda, Ace, Destinee & Chelese…

Thoughts are with KB/JB, from Deanna, Kingston, ON

Dear Sean & Gwen,

I’m so, SO sorry to hear about KB/JB and his diagnosis of osteosarcoma. How very sad, and tragic. My warmest thoughts are with you as you spend time with KB/JB and celebrate his life & his spirit.

I wish these noble creatures lived longer, and didn’t get such horrible diseases. 🙁

You are all in my thoughts. {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}


We are very sad to say that KB/JB has osteosarcoma and his prognosis is not good. Perhaps, 6-9 months; if we are blessed. I am sorry that I have not had the opportunity to update everyone’s blogs and add pictures as I desire yet we have been very focused on KB/JB and what he needs at this time. I am also just being with Sean to help him through this. I love KB/JB, no doubts there BUT KB/JB and Sean are like ‘one’ and with his beloved Jasper being let go last June; my heart is in exreme agony of how painful this journey is. I want all of us to enjoy KB/JB for who is his alive and not mourn him before his time has come and this is about quality of life for him, not quantity(NO matter how selfish, our hearts might want to be to hang on to this special boy for as long as we can). The greatest gift we can give our babies is to hold them in our loving arms, bathe them in our adoring tears and allow them to cross over with dignity. It is also one of the HARDEST things for us to do. I will update blogs etc. as I can yet we thank everyone in advance for their patience and understanding as we focus on the animals in our program and spend our time where it is most needed right now….which is off the computer and with them directly. I cannot believe that we have had this amazing Great Dane for just under 4.5 years. Time has flown by…………..Please do keep him in your thoughts and blessings and Sean too……….Thanks………

Tiffany Belbeck, Kingston, ON, CDA

Hi, I am a Vet Assistant student at St. Lawrence College, Kingston. I want to start by telling I love your organization, I think that you have great heart and devotion to large breed dogs! I was so moved by some of the photo of Great Danes that were so miss treated. I am also writing to ask if your organization would be interested at speaking on my school. For our communications class we are putting on a speaker day April 7th, 2009 and I think you would be a great addition to different speakers that day. If you get let me know that would be greatly appreciated. Thank- You Tiffany Belbeck

We would like to clarify that while BHRR will most likely be moving locales in the forseeable future(locale TBD); we are still very much open for adoptions to the provinces of Ontario and Quebec at this time. We ALSO remain very active in the assistance of animals in need and are open 24/7 for that assistance. THANKS! 🙂