Lost/Found Pets

“Found” Animals: If you have ‘Found’ an animal, please post an add in your local newspapers (should be free) and put up notices in your local grocery, convenience store, coffee shop, phone and light posts etc. Also, contact your local Humane Society or Shelter to see if an animal matching the description of the one you found has been listed. Furthermore, please touch base with your local By-Law Officer. They can come and ‘scan’ the animal for a microchip or take the animal away to the local shelter or pound. Should you not be able to ‘house’ this animal, please feel free to contact BHRR for assistance. We will also gladly post the animal up on our website to help them get home.

“Lost” Animals: If you have lost your animal and would like assistance in trying to locate them, please feel free to contact us. We will freely and gladly assist you with flyers, putting you in touch with various animal organizations, being a ‘friend’ to help look you look for your lost pet, posting a notice up on our website etc. Put up flyers all over your neighbourhood, in businesses, in petstores, Veterinarians, to your local bus drivers, cab and utility drivers and mail person. Put ads in the paper, visit all of your local HS, SPCA’s and Shelters. DO not just file a ‘missing’ report with them! These places are operated by Volunteers and often cannot tell one breed from another and most dogs; after being ‘on the run’ for awhile; no longer will look like the picture of your beloved pet due to weight loss and stress etc.

PLEASE microchip your animals. HELP them get home!!!!! Also, please make sure that your vet and licensing office has your most current home and contact information.