BHRR's Maggie May attended our 4th Annual BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser on July 17th and what a smash hit she was!!!

She then came with myself to attend the TAKE THE PLUNGE Event at the R/C Raceway on July 23rd and when I was getting ready to leave for the second day, July 24th; she was waiting right at the gate, determined to come back for the second day! SO, she came. She was the 'lady of the hour' and thanks being extended once again to BHRR BOD member M. Leung for putting together a $200 basket to help raise funds. For a minimum donation of $5, ballots were handed out for supporters to win the basket. Congratulations extended again to Laura of Adopt-A-Greyhound for being having the winning donation ballot!

BHRR's Maggie May was sooooooooooo happy during these events and though she might be older, she was a sprite thing as she went out and about. She taught many a person how 'normal' a dog can be with only three legs and that one should not feel sorry for her. She won over many hearts and this was her final test(social, training and also for her strength) before being placed up for adoption since she first came into Rescue and then had her leg amputated on May 10th, 2011.

It is hard to believe that this we are at this point in our journey together and once again, I am full of mixed feelings. SOOOOOOOOOO happy and thrilled that she survived and is thriving and having the best quality filled life ever and sad as I am quite smitten by her and she has been one of the best ever dogs to have had here. She is a Pyr through and through and she is smart and loyal and as with any of our dogs, she shall ONLY go to a right matched personality fit home. One that is going to be patient, understanding that she is older, that it was a front leg that was amputated and that understands her breed traits.

I do not want to see her pushed beyond her comfort or ability limits. She is so much stronger than she was yet we are not talking about a 1 year old dog here. She is older than 2, 3, 4 and possibly even 5 YET her teeth indicate a younger dog – less than 4, life has been so hard on her before she came into Rescue……

We want her a home to NOT feel sorry for her, overfeed her and 'baby' her either.

She will do well in a home that works from home, works part-time, semi-retired, retired. One that is not going to expect her to hike a km 5 times daily. One that will give her plenty of soft beds to lay upon, a home that is not going to have lots of stairs – a few is ok and as long as they are not steep. She likes the Kuranda beds too which will be great on her joints and bones as she ages.

Someone that is going to take care of her coat as it continues to grow in. We do not want to see her continually shaved as this will toughen up that undercoat of hers.

Yes, we have our usual high expectations and standards yet that home is out there! One that is seeking a loyal, affectionate(give her time, she is all Pyr and when she warms up and trusts you, this dog will give you all of her heart and soul), kind, gentle, low maintenance BEST tripod female Pyr ever! A home with a fully fenced in backyard that is going to ensure that she does not stay out too long, has some freedom to explore and a home that is moderately active yet not going to expect too much out of her re: exercise.

Her best friend her is my daughters almsot 160 pound female English Mastiff and as long as her future adoptive home has a right matched personality fit, this would be good for her mental and even for some added physicall stimulation. She likes to play a bit, rest, play some more and then snooze.

She does great in cars and enjoys looking out the window before laying down comfortably.

Below are two photos taken of her from July 24th at the TAKE THE PLUNGE EVENT at the R/C Raceway this past weekend.

BHRR's Maggie May – Take The Plunge Event – July 24th, 2011
*photos courtesy of C. Desjardins