Miss Asante has her two-week post-op checkup today at 5 PM at EVC.
This picture was sent to us 1-week post-op by her foster family.
Gwen has also asked for more Dermaaxx as the radiologist, plus her expert vet team has determined that she has a growing condition, which is most likely Pano. She is on strict exercise not just because of her healing eyes yet for her body.
She has responded well to the Dermaxx, and Gwen would like the foster to have more on hand.
We are also very curious re: her weight as, at one point, she had been a bit chubby. Her caring foster home has been super diligent plus dedicated to her well-being, and we cannot thank them enough for all that they have done and are doing for Miss Asante.
Should Miss Asante get the thumbs up today after her recheck, we will be working on her professional photo shoot, and from there, she will be ready to make her own special announcement!