BHRR’s Simon
I am so freakin’ proud of you!
I have said before about how it takes a village to save a dog, and it is no less true with Mr. Simon.
So many to thank for his story to end up being a successful one with a bright future ahead of him.
This is not just myself rescuing, saving, and rehabilitating a dog…it is a beautiful village!
Lorraine Houston, Luan, the mobile vet services, JoAnne Eaton, Leslie Tilley, Morgan, Megan Wright/Eric, Boers Sean, Dr. Beattie, Dr. Liston, all of the donation rescue angels – thank you!
AND, thank you to his forever loving adoptive Mama for wanting to adopt! They knew they wanted another Giant – they had lost their cherished beautiful girl. They first found Mr. Chester, reached out to let us know how handsome he was, and later when they were ready to adopt, Mr. Chester was already adopted.
They had also noticed Mr. Lewis and Mr. Simon, fell in love with Mr. Simon, and enjoyed following their blogs.
Mr. Simon, you were so wonderful tonight….you wanted to trust, you loved the backyard, getting treats, face diving in the water bowl, and watching you lay down to relax was heartwarming.
We know that this was stressful on you, we could see this in your eyes, your sometimes panting behaviour yet, we also saw you following your forever loving adoptive mama, listening and sitting when asked by her, looking at her, exploring the home, etc.
Be assured Mr. Simon, we will make your transition to your new home, one of support, of a careful gradual transition, and Megan/I know that you are ready for this next amazing plus exciting chapter in your life…..and, we will always be here for you.
This is not goodbye….. 
Thank you again Megan for doing this home visit with me!