BHRR’s Symba is VERY excited! Us too!
Today, he had his 8 week post-op exam/x-ray from his 2nd TPLO surgery done February 23rd.
It was THUMBS up all the way!!! His weight has been very consistent at just under 135 pounds – lean!
The recovery on his 2nd TPLO (right) was a LOT harder on him than his first TPLO on the left leg in November 2020 yet, he has been such a rockstar and amazing patient!
Sean & I want to thank SO many for coming together to help us with BHRR’s Symba and his enormous Vet bills, need for blankets, a great dog bed, towels, cleaning supplies etc.! You have touched our hearts immensely with your strong support of BHRR’s Symba and our rescue efforts. 
We still have several hundred left to pay off for extra pain meds plus his x-ray today yet, considering that it was close to $15,000 to successfully rehabilitate him, we shall work to get the remainder paid off when we can hold our nail trim Drive-Way events.
This weekend, Sean and I hope to take some really nice photo’s of him so that he can then make his own special announcement!
From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent!