AND Miss Olive is having her next professional grooming session including a mani/pedi!

She is our palliative 1.5 year old Saint Beauty.

As those that have been following her journey are aware, four ortho specialists determined that she did not qualify for FHO surgeries or hip replacement surgeries.

She is on almost $900/month in medications/special food – we added Proin since we last posted re: her and with our Drive-Way Events; we have raised enough money to keep her bills covered until November 1st.

If anyone would consider becoming a virtual foster buddy for her for November – plus she still needs her own special Secret Santa – to help us with her necessary high quality of care, donations can be made via PayPal to

OR via email transfer to
*we just need to know the password

This is Melissa with her at Groomingdale’s who is absolutely a gem to work with for our grooming needs.

While we worry what the cold weather may bring for her; we are going to take things as they come and keep helping her live her best every day!