Please keep this sweet beauty in your best wishes today!

BHRR’s Maple is in for an urgent surgery this AM for a sudden mass biopsy and possible removal(Her vet may wait to see the histio/pathology results first of the biopsy).

She weighed 113.52 pounds when I had her in for a needle biopsy, exam and bloodwork late last night. 10 cc’s drained until BHRR’s Maple became too uncomfortable. Acellular results.

Her approved foster home reached out to us last weekend to say that she had a small lump and were going to take her to their own Vet for addressing later that week.

I then received a call on Tuesday night to say that the ‘lump’ was much bigger. I drove immediately after work to pick BHRR’s Maple up and then had her in to see one of our Vets.

This was not a lump. It is a substantial mass – measured at over 4″ in length and it is along her mammary chain.

BHRR’s Baby Kaos is also here today as his ortho specialist(unfortunately, they had to cancel his last two apt.) is going to re-examine his leg again as part of his continued follow-up plan with Kaos. His ortho specialist was last leaning towards more surgery to scope that knee again and possibly do a TPLO yet one step at a time!

Will update as we can……

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