As many are now aware, BHRR was contacted on Sunday December 6th re: a request to assist a 6 year old Great Dane Mama(bit unstable and somewhat unpredictable) and her 2 week old Puppies at a shelter we have worked with in the past.

We mobilised fast and picked up Mama Dane(now named BHRR’s Eve) and what we then learned remained of her litter – just two puppies on Monday December 7th. Both remaining puppies are wee girls.

It has been a really long, busy, stressful and roller coaster few days with Vet visits etc. and an album shall be created so we can share in detail their story plus journey.

Mama Great Dane, BHRR’s Eve has had two stress bloats. Critical state.

Puppy B(BHRR’s Ember) – had been sent off to the shelter vet shortly before we arrived on Sunday for bloody nasal discharge and congestion. Prognosis is now up to a 60%+ chance of survival. Has moved from a critical status to cautious.

Puppy A(BHRR’s Flame) – began to shortly develop the same symptoms en route to BHRR. Has moved from a cautious status to a good to great chance of survival.

We do plan on posting their needs ASAP also…..

Our Facebook page has naturally been quiet as my time/priority has been spent on trying to ensure the survival of these lives, our newest rescue family…..