BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam Boat loves her new coat thanks to Auntie Rachel and Auntie Bernie! She looks so adorable!

AND, thank you to you both for the extra hands today for the prof photo session with her, BHRR’s Miller and BHRR’s Crème Brûlée!

I think Sean also has a final appreciation for all the training that goes into the dogs prior to being placed up for adoption!

Thank you to Melissa for her precious time again in taking some prof photo’s of these dogs in preparation for some time in the future when they are ready to be placed up for adoption!

BHRR’s Steam also was at work with me on Thursday and is now 18.26 pounds! So up a wee bit! Charmed the whole Hospital and did so well there for the day!!!

Happy Saturday to all! May it be happy safe and healthy!
