UPDATE: please keep BHRR's Nessie in your thoughts and well wishes!
I am bringing her back to work with me today as she is still having discharge from her nose, she is still more uncomfortable that she really should be at this stage of healing and I do not like her continued lack of energy level…..even for a Wolfie!
5 month old, BHRR's Dobie Doll Reese was to come with me to work today for a re-weigh and her rabies plus to do pre-surgical bw yet, she will stay home and come another time as I really want to have BHRR's Nessie re-checked……
When I had conversed with one of the Vets on Tuesday, the recommendation was to monitor BHRR's Nessie for a couple more days just to give her a chance to progress.
Today, in bringing her in, she is down 3 pounds since Saturday, drinking more than normal, is pot bellied and 2 Vets can witness her pacing, restlessness and desire to want to drink all the time plus that she cannot quite get comfortable.
Both Vets have listened to her lungs and stomach and are concerned that she is making a ton of effort to breathe yet, there is little air flow.
Her incision looks good, she was not painful to palpate and we are just doing more x-rays…..
KEEP those thoughts flowing for her!!!!
Her x-rays still show that she is battling aspiration pneumonia and so, she remains on the Baytril 3x 150 mg SID for that.
We are now doing a resting cortisol for Addison's testing and though, she did not have any indications in her bw done last week, we need to rule it out based upon other signs/symptoms.
We are also going to be giving her some cerenia drops up her nose to try and assist with the inflammation and hopefully, to get the bloody discharge to stop.
She does have WOBBLERS and we will rule out diabetes. 🙁
NEW TOTAL RAISED TO DATE: $1,081.47 FOR her care!! AND, NEW TOTAL of best healing wishes sent her way to date: PRICELESS!!!
Her Vet Bills for BHRR to date are: $4,790.32 AND we are still rising……
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! So grateful to ALL of you!! Never, would I ask or beg or plead for myself, yet for dogs like Nessie, anything….I have no pride or ego and want to do the very best for her!