BHRR's Cancun has his own very important announcement to make…

He says that while once he was barely 77 pounds and very sick…he is now 57.9 KGs aka 127.4 POUNDS as of today! 🙂 WAHOOO!

THAT means he has put on 50.4 pounds!!!!!!!!! WTG! Thumbs up! 🙂

AND, he has made me extremely proud of his trust in me and his rehab with respect to being scared of other dogs as NOW that is very much a thing of his past…….especially the wee doggies…they terrified him! 😉

He had a play date today for about 4.5 hours and he shall be having a sleepover playdate at this same home next Friday!

All of this dates only make our BHRR dogs that much more balanced and well rounded…I keep saying that! 🙂

I am sooooooooo proud of this boy! So very proud!!! 🙂