BHRR's Freedom shall be temp fostered as of tonight.

THIS shall be really good for him. He continues to just become that better and better dog that he truly is and we want to help make him the best dog that he can be. He shall continue to just get better and better with me – he has gone from having to be carried at the ES, to belly crawling to slouching to zooming, standing tall and exploring! YET, being temp fostered is deeply going to help him along to being this way in many situations plus surroundings.

HECK! When we had the family over on Sunday the 10th for the BHRR 'PRIVATE' BHRR EXPERIENCE, he was even found to be sitting proud and tall on one of our couches! Sean and I had to triple loook to be assured it was him! LOL

He has a monkey streak and likes to take my towels as I am folding them and run…yet, I am careful not to chase him as it would scare him and so, I make soft sounds and words and say 'I am going to get you' and he prances and will drop the item. He has that spark in his eye and time…in time….I know that the full monkey shall come out…he is getting there. 🙂

I really am taken with him and I have said to more than one person that if I had less Danes, I would seriously consider him….He is very special to me as a few are now aware and for several reasons.

How he ended up into the hands of the PRU place is very tragic. I know he was not born there and so much damage had been done to this poor boy and all the other hundreds upon hundreds of dogs.

He loves to zoom and run and has learned to play and interact with the other dogs and he is like a puppy with those front legs all flopping as he tries to be co-ordinated. So long being confined has really affected the co-ordination of these FREEDOM DANES/DOGS.

At the Vet Hospital on Tuesday February 11th, he weighed 56.1 KGs(123.42 pounds). This is up from his January 14th weight of 54. 5 KGs(119.9 pounds), so, he has recovered most well with his bounce back from his coyote attack.

HE has healed so well! His shoulder, the one wound that all felt could get away from not being sutured and was, ended up the worst and after a re-visit and debriding, it has healed well. I WANT to shout out a THANK YOU to his angel Dee again that made another very kind and generous donation to his Bills.

THANK YOU! You are his true angel! 🙂

He was a HUGE hit at KAH and people continue to remark that how everytime they see him, how much taller he stands and how much more he explores AND this time, he actually layed down on his own as we were examining BHRR's Abby. SHE was really good for him too! REALLY good! He was all manly and happy and was even wagging his tail slightly and had to 'supervise' the exam.

He was going up to people asking for some quiet love and assurance AND I just gently reminded people that we do not reach over his head, just gently underneath and no hard pats on his body or head either. Just slow and calm and quietly confident and he responds.

I also reminded people that though, he may not look like he is watching people, he really is…these dogs are so worried about direct eye contact.

AND everyone remarked how bonded he was with me and that is true….

SOOOOOOOOOOOO, as hard as it is in SOOOOOOOOOOOO many ways to let go, I cannot give him continued regular exposure to city buses, snow plows, air brakes, sirens, alarms, traffic etc….I live in the country and he needs to continue to become more and more exposed and comfortable with these things. DO not get me wrong, he is miles away from where he first started his rehab journey in this area yet, living in a temp foster home in the city is ONLY going to benefit him further and I am a smart enough woman to know that and always want what is best for him and all my dogs.

He shall be handled more by other people than myself and be handled when I am not around and yes, it is going to be a bit hard on him in the begining YET, if for any reason, he has to come back to me, I AM HERE!

Yet, I think he is going to be great as this is a right matched temp foster home for him and will help join the circle of success that I have worked so hard to surround him with since he arrived to BHRR and he is going to be just fine…me too! 😉

I sincerely hope in time that I shall be able to get some great photos of him as I am hoping that his right matched forever loving home may then find him sooner…

I feel this boy with all my soul and yup, I am going to miss him….I am a suck! I admit it!

I thank his approved temp foster home for this opportunity to help me to continue to make him that best dog he can be! THANK YOU!