BHRR's Dozer did really well for his exam. 🙂

No freak out yet; you can tell that if he did not want to do something, he wanted to 'toss' that weight around and wiggly and move.

BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits really helped with that! 😉

Though, things could not be as thorough as we wanted, as we are still rehabbing him, this boy is making excellent progress!

He had his DAPP booster today as well. 🙂

What a big mush of love! He sat when asked, laid down when asked and ignored us when we asked to have him do other things like 'come' at times! LOL

The Vet felt that his heart and lungs sounded good, we checked his teeth as best as we could as he was a bit worried and I am very proud of him!!! 🙂

Any new forever loving adoptive home MUST understand that when you take him to the Vet, please have him brought to the back area and not in a small closed in exam room that will stress him. He needs space for his comfort zone. At least got now……

Also, obedience is so much structure for him and he will really need that and yes, it is part of our obedience contracts yet VERY VERY VERY important for him.

Just so proud of him!