Test page for online application

Before Considering Adoption – Please Note:

Every Rescue deserves to be a member of a family where they are loved for the duration of their lives’. BHRR requires every potential adopter to fill out, sign, and return this application/contract with honesty.  This will help to determine whether you are suited for a BHRR Rescue, and help determine what traits you are seeking in these noble and loving creatures. The animals under our authority are our responsibility and we take that very seriously. The adoption application and adoption contract are legally binding and any court resolution will be handled in the Main Courthouse located in Ottawa, Ontario.

Application Fee

A $20 non-refundable application fee must be received prior to your application being reviewed.  This fee helps cover some of the cost of reviewing and processing these applications and does not guarantee that you will be approved to adopt a BHRR animal.  Fees will only be accepted via e-mail transfer (to gwen@birchhaven.org), bank draft payable to Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services or via PayPal.  Note: PayPal also provides a credit card option for those without a PayPal account.

Incomplete Applications

Incomplete applications cannot be considered – all questions must be answered within the guidelines of the application.

Area of Adoption

BHRR's main adoption areas are the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. As of September 1st, 2011, BHRR will now consider US locations that are within approximately 3 hours travel time from the border crossing at Ogdensburg, NY.  This additional area is roughly outlined by the map below:

US Adoption Zone

Homes With Children

We do not place any dog in a home with children under the age of 5 – no exceptions.  We can only consider a home with children between the ages of 5 and 8 if the following additional conditions are met to the satisfaction of the Board of Directors of BHRR.

  • No more than 2 children between the ages of 5 and 8
  • Only dogs that BHRR deems most suitable for homes with children within these ages shall be considered
  • The home must have prior suitable breed specific experience
  • No more than one additional dog currently in the home

Note: Regardless of age – children and dogs should NEVER be left unsupervised together.

Obedience Classes

BHRR strongly recommends that you enroll your newly adopted dog in at least one full round of formal group obedience training – irrespective of your own personal training qualifications and beliefs.  While we have removed this clause as a formal requirement in our adoption application and contract, we respectfully request that you adhere to our wishes in this area.  These formal training sessions provide an invaluable time for you and your new adoption to learn about each other and form a bond based in trust and respect.