This gorgeous BBBBB pup is in for her spay plus Microchip today.

BHRR’s Calla! 

She has put on another 3 kgs and is now just shy of 85 pounds.  Lean, muscled and looking so beautiful. She is putting the weight on nice and even and yay!

She was totally fine with the cat that was there too – a staff members kitty hanging out!

She is Ms. Kanga-Dane and her drop-off went great! While she initially bawked at going into her run, she then trusted me and went in calmly. After a small amount of anxious whining, she stopped and all was then quiet. I am so proud of her!!! Beaming proud! She has done so so so well with her SA and will need a home to help her to keep thriving and not allow the SA Monster to read its ugly head.

Once she recovers from her spay, she will be ready to make her special announcement! 

Another amazing dog that I am going to miss something fierce….she is incredible.

This pic is a sneak peek preview from her recent professional photo shoot. Thanks so much again Liz Bradley!!!