With the wonderful support of two wonderful Volunteers, I am able to get in 2 extra sessions at CWW this week for BHRR’s Apollo! THANK YOU! We have had $315.00 donated to date to assist us at BHRR in paying for his sessions at Canine Water Wellness and we are planning at least 2 more at this time. BHRR will do as many sessions as required to help us in ensuring that we do not have to amputate that leg and we might have to do as many as 20 or more for the momentum derived from attending these sessions has greatly assisted Apollo’s ‘AT BHRR’ rehabilitation program with the obstacle work, Hydro work, sand and hill work in addition to his massage plus chiropractic treatments we are doing here with/for him.
Regular Pricing For 10 HydroTherapy Sessions at CWW is: $599.99+tx

Please consider assisting! PayPal(account gwen@birchhaven.org) or email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or a check to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

I have also added photos #18 – #25 to his slideshow and am putting two of them below. These are from August 21st, 2010 after one of his extra CWW sessions and he was back hanging out with myself and my fellow staff members. He also got to play with one of the Vets Doberman and one of the most amazing cats I have ever met, Romeo!

August 21st, 2010 – Romeo the Cat & BHRR’s Apollo

I am also looking for BHRR Approved Volunteers to assist me with taking BHRR’s Apollo to an extra session during the following date/times:

Tuesday September 7th – Anytime between 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

I brought BHRR’s Ava Marie in to work with me today at KAH. Around 1:30 AM – 2:00 AM today; I noticed that her ‘good’ leg – the right one that had the ACL repair surgery back on May 21st, 2010 have a large odd shaped lump. I felt it and it looked almost like a really bad blown vein yet I knew that was not it and thought at one point it could have been an allergic reaction to something like a spider bite yet that did not seem right either and checked her temperature and it was normal and she was acting herself. I made an appointment first thing today for her and by the time we got to KAH; the large odd shaped lump was no longer ‘squishy’ yet very hard to the touch. That indicated to me that it is most likely fluid of some sort and the Vet confirmed this by doing an aspirate. It was synovial fluid and looked clear and did not appear to be infected yet the Vet had it spun down and looked more closely at it. The diagnosis is that by all the compensation that BHRR’s Ava Marie has had to do on this leg due to recovering from her leg leg ACL repair surgery(and we took the sutures out today while we were there…what a great girl!); that she developed a small tear and it was leaking. The Vet was not concerned that this would indicate any impact on her ACL and we discussed that most likely that Ava Marie will need to have this drained again in the future and possibly more than once. This is the leg that Dr. Liston drained a seroma from when I brought her in for a recheck and to remove her staples. The odd thing was as per the blog post that I made that the seroma was below the knee and it occured many days after her surgery. I am soooooooooooo relieved that we are not looking at anything more serious and the Vet felt so bad for Ava Marie with her very swollen knees with the arthritis. The Vet also could not believe that Ava Marie was 2 years old as she is so calm, well mannered and quiet. 😀 NOR with how amazing she was with all that poking, prodding that had to be done on her knees. I cannot stress enough about how incredible this Dane is!!!! Every time I took Ava Marie outside or when another person did, she just wanted to get into my truck to come home…..she just has been at the Vets far too many times and she just wanted to come home. WELL, we are home now and she is resting comfortably in the triage area and I will take her to LAH when Dr. Liston is back from holidays for a final ‘sign off’ on that leg and we will monitor her closely in case she needs more drainage. At this time, she will not be going up for adoption when we first anticipated she would as we want her as healthy as possible. Her weight today was 70.3 KGS(154.66 pounds) and she looked PERFECT for her size/age at this time. She is going to do some more filling out over the next year but she is right where I want her to be for the moment and gosh, she is stunning!

I have added a new picture to BHRR’s Koop’s slideshow #22 and it was taken on August 23rd, 2010. I measured him tonight and he was 34″ at the whithers. I need to get an updated weight on him! He is tall, lanky, lean and so muscled. AND his skin feels so silky smooth to the touch. In just a few days, he shall be turning 1 and so many find it hard to believe that he is still at BHRR. There was just a recent discussion about this on my FB wall and there has been many a comment in regards to what has come BHRR’s way in inquiries about Koop over this very topic. We receive quite a few inquires on BHRR’s Koop and often they follow these lines ‘I would be so interested in Koop if it were not for his eyes’. AND then when I respond back asking for them to elaborate; I am told that it is the ‘spacing’ between his eyes that makes them ‘freaked out’ and ‘scared.’ I am like “HALLO?” ‘HUH”? ‘What about his lovely eyes?’ Well, that just means that BHRR’s Koop is not meant for them and in fact, it means that NO BHRR animal is meant for them and we will not even entertain the idea of accepting an application once that has been brought to our attention. Just when one thinks they have ‘heard’ it all and I have been in these trenches almost 25 years now….OMG! Well, BHRR’s Koop, we love your eyes and your eye spacing is just fine and we remain patient of that right matched forever loving home to see you for WHO you are and when that day comes; we will be so joyous for you! His closest friends are my Bluez Boyz…the three muskateers of mishief makers! LOL He is soooooooooooo affectionate now and no longer that half wild creature that came to BHRR.

BHRR’s Koop and his WONDERFUL Eyes/Eye Spacing – August 23, 2010

BHRR’s Ava Marie had a bit of a set back on Tuesday. She was feeling a bit fiesty and tried to ‘trot’ from the master bedroom to the main floor area and did not quite make the corner and hit her healing knee on the wall frame. She went down and the sounds she was making just ripped through my heart. I initially thought she had caused herself serious damage.  😥 I was right behind her yet had not been quick enough to get her collar to ‘force’ her to slow down. Idid manage to get her to the triage area – just a few feet away and she did not weight bear on the leg at all. I gave her a Deramaxx 100 mg, monitored her closely and looked the leg over and was one step away from calling one of her Vets as she was still whimpering a bit and I realised that she ‘scared’ herself more than anything else. For sure, it had to have hurt like the dickens yet the whole thing scared her more than it hurt and after much loving and some rest; she was all up for her breakfast(when Ava Marie does not eat, YOU know something is wrong) and had her antibiotics(we have kept her on a longer course and moved her to Clavamox 375 mg) and she was up to going out for a pee. I spent a good part of my AM, watching her and in a heartbeat I would have brought her in if I suspected anything wrong and will continue to monitor yet things seem back to norm. It shall be two weeks on Friday since her surgery and I shall remove her sutures at that time and bring her in next week for a recheck at LAH(Dr. Liston himself is away on vacation until September 7th or so) and I might wait until he is back to get his official ‘sign off’ on her leg. After that, a couple more weeks of rehab work at BHRR and then BHRR’s Ava Marie should be ready to be placed up for adoption AND even saying those words just ‘catches’ at me BUT it is what we do here and I know so many are going to miss her, so whomever adopts her; please stay in touch! 😀 This amazing dream of a Great Dane has touched the hearts of many across the world. I am adding a photo below of her leg from August 23rd and shall also add it to her ‘Ava’s Action Assistance Fundraiser‘ Page. We are still awaiting the collection on ONE item from her ONLINE Auction and when we have that sorted out; we will post the grand total raised between her ONLINE Auction and donations made direct to her account during that time. Ava Marie also decided about three nights ago that she was SO DONE with the triage area for sleeping at night and made her way to the master bedroom, settled herself on one of the dog beds and turned her head to the wall, refusing to look at me in case I was going to ask her to go back to the triage area! LOL No, you do not have too Ava Marie! AND, when I came home from dropping the wee ones at daycamp, who was all snuggled on one of our leather couches with BHRR’s Potter??? NONE other than Ava Marie herself! AND she looked very settled in and was making no move to get off in a hurry! LOL Silly girl! NO LEATHER RULE here at BHRR Missy!  😛

BHRR’s Ava Marie – August 23rd, 2010 – 10 days post-op

BHRR’s Apollo had his 6th session yesterday with me at CWW and I hoping that we can get at least another 4 sessions in, possibly up to another 14, whatever Apollo needs and I am looking at the following dates at this time should any of our BHRR approved Volunteers might be willing to step up and help me bring him to some extra sessions.

Monday August 30th – A time between 3 PM – 5 PM
Tuesday August 31st – A time between 3 PM – 5 PM
Friday September 3rd – A time between 3 PM – 5 PM
Saturday September 4th – A time between 8 AM – 2 PM

The other thing that I am looking for are BHRR approved homes that have carpeted stairs – not a steep angle or slope that we can get BHRR’s Apollo doing some ‘stair’ work. We are a bungalow built into a hill and we have some wide sweeping steps going up the outside to our home yet not what I am looking for and also only have a few steps into the entrance way to the house. So, if anyone has this type of set-up and would be open to having BHRR’s Apollo(I am optional! LOL) to come and visit to do some controlled stair rehab/therapy; please do email. Any of the dates above would be ideal. THANKS!

Deby, NewMarket, ON

My complete respect to you and your family for the work you are doing, perhaps I can visit you at some point. I am just completing a dog training certification and will volunteer my services in whatever area you need as an experienced Dane owner.PS I love Dana’s energy!

All the best,

BHRR’s Truman is expected to arrive to BHRR the week of August 23rd, 2010. He is about 10.5 months of age, neutered, utd on shots and a Merlequin GD. I am told that he is destroying plus chewing things. The home is also expecting a baby. As I learn more, I shall update his bog. NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

BHRR’s Truman – 10.5 months of age

BHRR’s Apollo had another great session at CWW today! He has another session tomorrow and thank you to the Volunteers that have offered to take him on August 28th for another session. That means he shall have two at CWW next week and YAY!