AND, BHRR’s Riot is now with his new forever loving ‘mom’. Proud of me and of him!

I did not even sniffle(saved that for later!) and BHRR’s Riot showed impeccable manners with no barking for attention, laid down nicely and, minded his leash manners ‘ok’ considering a stranger, yet will not be for long was walking him.

Here is a video of BHRR’s Riot and one of his bff’s forever, one of my own Great Danes ‘Salt’, one last play and a good-bye for them both……….

One must never say never and perhaps one day their paths shall cross again….we can always hope.

Both of them have the same ‘mental/emotional’ age right now!

Already so much more quiet and calm at home and missing the big excitement known as BHRR’s Riot! Dogs like him make people better owners, trainers and behavioural experts and thank you Riot for letting me experience and learn from all your gifts during your time with us.

BHRR’s Riot with my Salt(Deaf & Visually Impaired GD) VIDEO